Cryptocurrency sale from RoyalQ
From the RoyalQ App you have the possibility to sell the cryptocurrencies the Bot is working with. Cryptocurrencies are sold one at a time.
To get started choose an active cryptocurrency that the bot is working on. You will find this screen.

Click on Sell

For some cryptocurrencies, the sale is immediate at the market price. For other cryptocurrencies a screen like this will open. Here you can set the selling price and the amount of cryptocurrency you want to sell.

If you click on Market price the cryptocurrency will be sold at the market price.
On the left, you can decide to sell the cryptocurrency at a slightly higher price. In this second case the cryptocurrency will be sold only if the market reaches the price you have set.

In this area you can enter the amount of cryptocurrency you want to sell.

You can also decide a percentage of the total cryptocurrency you have available.

Finally click on Confirm.